The current offer of one hundred eBooks from the Faculty of Arts at Charles University is now being enlarged by more than 50 eBooks from five different editions (Fontes, Humanitas, Mnemosyne, Trivium and Opera) that represent the top quality academic work from the faculty. All titles are now available via EBSCOhost Collection Manager.
Faculty of Arts is the largest faculty at Charles University. Its Faculty of Arts Press (FA Press) traditionally represents a wide area of subjects within humanities. New editions available via EBSCO offer resources from history, international relations with the focus on 20th century (19 titles) and literature (16 titles). Other resources within these editions cover linguistics, philosophy, art, film, sociology and pedagogy with the focus on the education in the age of globalization.
Beginning this year, FA Press joins the initiative and now offers DRM free titles, which enable users to download eBooks without restriction and the neccessity of any additional software installation.
The FA Press titles available at EBSCOhost Collection Manager include 52 titles, such as:
- IVAN KLIMEŠ: Kinematografie a stát v českých zemích 1895–1945
- JOSEF FULKA: Když ruce mluví. Gesto a znakový jazyk v dějinách západního myšlení
- JIŘÍ BURIÁNEK – SIMONA PIKÁLKOVÁ – ZUZANA PODANÁ: Násilí na mužích. Sonda do zákoutí partnerských vztahů
- MARTIN ŠTEFEK: Kádry rozhodují, ovšem. Předjaří, pražské jaro a počátky normalizace v proměnách systému nomenklatury ÚV KSČ
- MIKULÁŠ PEŠTA: O ozbrojeném boji v západní Evropě. Italský a německý levicový terorismus sedmdesátých let v transnacionální perspektivě
- ANGELO MARIA RIPELLINO: Dějiny současné české poezie
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About Faculty of Arts
The Faculty of Arts at Charles University is currently one of the largest and most important research and educational institutions in the arts and humanities in Central Europe. The Faculty was founded in 1348 by the Czech king and later Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV who established it as one of the four faculties of the Prague university, later named after him Charles University – the oldest university in Central Europe east of France and north of the Alps. Ever since, it has been the intellectual centre of the Czech lands: alumni of the Faculty, their deeds and ideas, have been shaping the Czech society and culture and at the crucial moments of Czech history, the Faculty of Arts has always been at the very heart of the events.