Faculty of Arts Press, a publisher of 15 academic journals in the field of humanities, joined the Open Access program in 2015. Readers can peruse the collection of journals which are now available online in the catalogue Journals 2020. The catalogue provides brief descriptions of the thematic focus of the periodicals, useful contacts, including links to the journals’ individual websites, as well as the information about all international databases indexing the journals.
Notable updates in 2020: Linguistica Pragensia journal is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index, a preliminary part of Web of Science. Slovo a smysl (Word & Sense) and Svět literatury (World of Literature) were accepted to join the prestigious Scopus database. New addition to the OA catalogue is the Litteraria Pragensia journal edited by the Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Chatreššar – International Journal for Indo-European, Semitic and Cuneiform Languages enters its second year of publication.
Journals 2020 (catalogue in PDF)
The archive of individual issues on journals‘ websites is linked straight to the central digital repository of Charles University, where the studies and articles are available in the PDF format too. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, or search through all the fulltexts for free. The journals’ websites also provide complete information about their thematic focus, editorial boards and review process, as well as guidelines for authors. Those readers who are interested in buying the print version of the journals can use the direct link to the Faculty of Arts e-shop.