Jaromír Krejčí – Petra Brukner Havelková – Marie Peterková Hlouchová et al.
The second part of the monograph on the results of the archaeological excavation of Werkaure’s mastaba (AC 26; dated to the second part of the Fifth Dynasty) and its surroundings in central Abusir focuses on contexts dating to the First Intermediate Period, the Middle Kingdom, the New Kingdom, and the first millennium BC. The focus of the book is on analyses concerning the secondary cemetery which developed in the area of Tomb AC 26 and the adjacent Tombs AC 32 during the Third Intermediate Period and the Late Period. A large number of finds and ecofacts were discovered during the archaeological research, which has been treated in a comprehensive manner in this multidisciplinary publication consisting of eight chapters. The text deals with the analysis of the relevant archaeological situations, which were often extensively damaged by later interventions, and the development of the mastaba area and its surroundings during the period in question. Furthermore, the discovered parts of material culture, funerary equipment of the deceased, wooden coffins, pottery, textile finds, and their fragments are analysed. A relatively large part of the monograph consists of anthropological analyses of skeletal remains, a large number of which were discovered in Tombs AC 26, AC 32 and their surroundings. Analyses of collected samples using palynological, botanical, zoological, xylotomic, and entomological methods are an important part of the monograph represent an important part of the monograph. In the last chapter, the publication brings conclusions concerning not only the development of the area of Werkaure’s tomb after the end of the Old Kingdom but also the development of its surroundings in the central part of the Abusir necropolis after the end of the Old Kingdom period. The text of the monograph is supplemented by rich pictorial and photographic documentation.