Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries

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Vydavatel: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta

ISBN 978-80-7308-504-9 (print)

ISBN 978-80-7308-620-6 (online: pdf)

Rok vydání: 2013 (1. vydání)

Vazba: V2

Rozsah: 182 stran

Jazyk: anglický

Doporučená cena: 195,- Kč

Obálka a typografie: František Štorm

Sazba a zlom: Dušan Neumahr

Tisk: Tiskárna Nakladatelství Karolinum


The “Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries” is based on national studies which are systematically compared in an attempt to address four key themes. First, the authors place the education of older adults in context, along with focusing on political, legal, economic, social and cultural aspects. Second, the publication, being also dedicated to the working life of older adults, examines the labour market, the issues of discrimination and equal treatment, age management, education and human development in organizations. Third, the system of older adult education is described, including the process of institutionalization, the providers of older adult education, and the content of this education. Fourth, the publication explores the themes of traditional methods, current trends and outlooks for the education of older adults.